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The Free 2015 Supplement to the 2nd Edition of California Gun Laws is Here! 

During the 2014 legislative session, nearly two dozen gun-related bills were introduced for consideration. Although many of these bills failed, several were signed into law and will take effect on January 1, 2015. While these new laws collectively make important changes to California’s regulatory scheme, they were not significant enough to warrant a new edition of California Gun Laws: A Guide to State and Federal Firearm Regulations.

So, to keep you and your copy of the 2nd Edition of California Gun Laws up-to-date with the current changes in the law, C.D. Michel has created this absolutely free, downloadable supplement that can be printed and conveniently placed in the back of your book for easy reference!

The 2015 Supplement not only covers the relevant new gun laws, but it also includes important case updates and technical revisions, including:

  • The new laws on “gun violence restraining orders” and the risk they pose
  • The new ban on  modifying single-shot pistols and how this expands California’s roster of “unsafe” handguns
  • How firearms acquired outside of California must now be transferred into California
  • Significant changes in the regulation and definitions of “BB devices,” airsoft guns, and “imitation firearms”
  • The new authority of city prosecutors to evict renters arrested for a firearms offense, and how this could be abused

The 2015 Supplement was written in a very specific way in order to complement the 2nd Edition of California Gun Laws. We strongly advise reading the supplement alongside the book. If you haven’t purchased the 2nd Edition of California Gun Laws yet, you can still purchase the 2nd Edition!


To access the free 2015 Supplement, click the “Download Now” button below. In order to properly view and print the supplement, you will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download the latest version of Reader, click here!

Booklet Printing Instructions: To learn how to print the supplement in booklet format so you can fold and place it in the back of your book, click here!

Regular Printing Instructions: To learn how to print the supplement so that it fills an entire 8.5 x. 11 sheet of paper,  click here!

    *Email Notification – By downloading this supplement, you agree to receive occasional gun rights email legal alerts, updates & notifications from Michel & Associates to help protect your 2nd Amendment Rights.

    One thought on “

    1. Have purchased and read both editions. Excellent resource and I am looking forward to the update. Thanks!!!

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