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“This is a must-have reference book for police, prosecutors, judges, defense attorneys, and gun owners. California’s gun laws are far more complicated than even the professionals realize.” — Steve Cooley, Los Angeles County District Attorney (Ret.)

If you choose to have a gun in California, this book could keep you out of jail! Order your copy of the 2024 11th Edition of the popular reference book California Gun Laws: A Guide to State and Federal Firearm Regulations by renowned firearms lawyer C.D. Michel.

Often referred to as “the bible” and definitive source for information on California firearms law, the California Gun Laws book is jam packed with the results of thousands of hours of legal research worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. This book is chock-full of legal and practical insights drawn from C.D. Michel’s 25 years of experience in state and federal courts. And it has been transcribed into a format that is easy to read and comprehend California Gun Laws is a must-have for any California gun owner in order to continue their lawful possession in California

The Eleventh Edition explains all of the new legislative and regulatory developments that you need to know about. These include laws on the overhaul of the CCW application process, new “sensitive place” restrictions on where you can carry, excise tax on the sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part or ammunition, an overhaul of California’s microstamping requirement for handguns, restrictions on CNC machines and 3D printers used to make firearms and much, much more!

Don’t Become an Accidental Criminal

Having firearms for self-defense, sport, and hunting is your individual constitutional right. But exercising that right carries extraordinary responsibilities. Along with your responsibility to know and follow safety procedures, you have an obligation to comply with all applicable state, federal, and local laws. Pre-order your copy of the California Gun Laws: A Guide to State and Federal Firearm Regulations today! It explores and explains the California laws that affect firearm owners.

There are over 800 California state statutes regulating the manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, and use of firearms. There are thousands of overlapping federal laws regulating firearms. And there are hundreds of administrative regulations, local ordinances, and California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms’ written and unwritten policies that also apply to California gun owners. With all the overlapping regulations, it’s no wonder that confusion runs rampant among California gun owners, as well as among police, prosecutors, and judges.

On top of this already byzantine regulatory scheme, on January 1, 2012, California’s firearms laws were completely reorganized and re-numbered. Because of the complexity of the laws, inadvertent violations by well-intentioned good people are increasingly common. In the politicized legal environment of California “gun-control” laws, the consequences of even an inadvertent violation can be severe.

To protect yourself, you need to know the law. This book will help. Don’t become an accidental criminal! California Gun Laws: A Guide to State and Federal Firearm Regulations tells you how to legally buy, own, transport, and possess firearms; when it is legal to use deadly force; and what firearms and devices are banned or require registration. This book warns about common legal “traps” and troublesome “gray areas” that California firearm owners often unintentionally fall into and ensures that those who are subject to these complex firearms laws can avoid violating them. This book helps educate those tasked with enforcing the law about firearms laws so that they can avoid mistaken arrests and prosecutions.

Watch For Future Legal Updates

While the vast majority of information in this book is up-to-date, both state and federal firearm laws change throughout the year due to new legislation, litigation, and regulatory actions. To address these changes, and to cover more specialized topics that are not addressed in this book, the authors routinely issue legal updates and memoranda which are generally free for anyone to access here. Additional updates can also be found on the California Rifle & Pistol Association’s website at www.CRPA.org.

Also, please subscribe to our eBULLETins to receive updates on the new release and the effect of legislation that is proposed or enacted. By subscribing you will also receive updates throughout the year on any new lawsuits that change the law.


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